SG Smart
SG Smart consists of a number of devices and is easy to use and install in both new and existing lighting. The devices and SG Smart App communicate via Bluetooth and WiFi.
All SG Smart devices can easily replace the existing installation in your home, and the system can be expanded as required on an ongoing basis. SG provides a five-year warranty on all SG Smart devices.
Click here If you want to know more about the SG Smart.
Click here to watch our App Guide video for an easy introduction to SG Smart.
Click here for SG Smart FAQ.

LEDDim Smart

LEDDim Smart Master

Smart Switch

TW LEDDim Smart

LEDDim Smart DIN

LEDDim Smart DIN 1000

LEDDim Smart Floor

HeatReg Smart

LEDDim Smart Pill

TW LEDDim Smart Pill

LEDDim Smart Pill Micro

LEDDim Smart Pill Mini

Smart Pill ON-OFF

Smart Pill ON-OFF Micro

Smart Gateway

Smart Plug

LEDDim Smart Colour Controller

Smart Wireless