SG Connect - Remove components from network – Standard method
Each Connect component is secured and cannot be used by another user which does not have access to the project. In case any adaptations are needed on an existing installation, the Connect components need to be removed from the app. Only then, the removed devices can be used in other groups, projects or by other users. Either entire group or single devices can be removed via the SG Commissioning app.
How to
Remove a single light:
In the group overview, identify which light you want to remove and click the three dots next to it and choose “Remove from group”. The intensity of the light goes to full light level. Repeat this step for other individual lights in the group.
Remove switches:
In group overview, click the “Switches” header, identify which switch you want to remove and click on the three dots next to it and choose “Remove switch”.
Alternatively: In the group overview, click on the three dots in the top right corner and choose “Remove switches and ZGP sensors”.
Remove sensors:
In the group overview, click on the three dots in the top right corner and choose “Remove switches and ZGP sensors”.
Remove group:
In the group overview, click on the three dots in the top right corner and choose “Remove group”. As feedback, the intensity of all lights goes to full light level.