Träffen preschool, Nyköping

Project description
During the construction of Träffen preschool in Nyköping, there was a strong focus on creating a bright and safe outdoor environment with good lighting. The choice fell on luminaires from SG and the result is that the children at Träffen spend more time outdoors than children at other preschools in the municipality.
Construction of Träffen preschool began in 2019 as a “concept” preschool, which means that more preschools like it will be built in the municipality in the future. Nyköpings Elteknik was responsible for the design of the electrical installation; the company has a framework agreement with Nyköping Municipality.
Lighting solution
“We design the electrical systems together with architects and people from other disciplines involved in the project. I contacted SG Lighting about the outdoor lighting for the preschool early on. We’ve worked with them several times before and know that they have a good range, it’s easy to find information on their website and they have skilled staff who give us good support and always do quality work,” says Adnan Bektasevic, electrical consultant at Nyköpings Elteknik.
Better safety
The lighting requirements were higher than usual, with 100 lux outdoors. They wanted as much light as possible so the children and staff would feel safe, even during the darker season. Jonas Lavin, lighting designer at SG Lighting, was tasked with creating the lighting proposal for the playground.
“At first, they’d only considered our Place pole luminaires, but I didn’t think that would be enough to achieve a good result. So I added our Wax floodlights to illuminate and accentuate the play areas in the playground. Wax is also mounted on a pole, with several spotlights on the same pole pointing in different directions,” says Jonas Lavin.
“For Träffen preschool, we supplied Place and Wax luminaires for illuminating the playground, Frame Round for entrances, and CircLED Multi for road lighting in the parking area. Trosa Elektriska installed the lighting,” says SG Lighting sales rep Mia Holmberg.
Concept school
Ola Sundlöf, project manager for Nyköping Municipality, was involved in the construction of Träffen preschool from the start.
“This is the first concept school, and it will be followed by other schools, where we start with the same basic documents and the same technical solutions. The lighting has turned out very well, and evidence of this is that the children at Träffen spend more time outdoors compared to children at other preschools in the municipality. We’re proud of Träffen and an extra feather in our cap is that the preschool received the ‘School and Preschool Building of the Year’ award in 2022,” says Ola Sundlöf.
“The lighting has turned out very well, and evidence of this is that the children at Träffen spend more time outdoors compared to children at other preschools in the municipality.”
Olof Palmes väg 5 A-E
611 37 Nyköping