Modalen Business and Service Centre

Project description
The building has a total of about 50 workstations and is centrally located in the heart of Modalen. The total area is approximately 1,600 square metres, spread over two floors and one attic floor.
Working in partnership with Helland Elektro, SG Armaturen designed a lighting concept in harmony with the architecture on site as well as the developer’s preference for high levels of functionality for employees.
Lighting solution
SG supplied all the lighting, inside and outside. Disc was used in communal areas, and Concido Pendel was used in the ceiling-height areas. Single lengths of Lineal Surface are used in meeting rooms with slatted ceilings. Jupiter Pro is used on the facade between the pillars, providing good lighting in front of the building.
Mo 3
5729 Modalen
Installer: Helland Elektro AS