Jyske Bank, Silkeborg

Project description
Jyske Bank is in the process of a comprehensive refurbishment of, among other things, the lighting at its branches around Denmark. At the head office in Silkeborg, the outdoor lighting of the parking area has been renovated.
Lighting solution
SG has delivered 27 Place 28W 4000K luminaires on conical poles, painted according to the customer’s requirements, as well as 15 CircLED Bollard Soft 4000K. The lighting helps create an attractive and harmonious environment towards the scenic area near Silkeborg Langsø as well as in the passageway to the pedestrian street in the city centre.
Jyske Bank, Silkeborg
Jyske Bank
Søgade 19
8600 Silkeborg
Søgade 19
8600 Silkeborg